About Jarvis Health

About Jarvis Health

Established 1994, Established international speaker, Bioregulatory medicine specialist, Registered Naturopath. South Pacific College Natural Therapies

Our Services

Our Services

Naturopathic consultation, Natural health, Homeopathy, Herbal medicine, Nutrition, Supplements, Remedial Massage, Functional Medicine testing, RBTI

Weight Management

Weight Management

Lose weight fast, Achieve Long term results, Reset your metabolism, we provide ongoing support, Dr Simeons weight loss program.

Welcome to Jarvis Health

Your health depends on more than a lack of disease. True health depends on VITALITY AND RESERVES OF ENERGY; True health expresses high levels of physical, mental and social well-being. When you feel less than vital and experience symptoms like fatigue, digestive upset or weight issues it means your body’s reserves in any one of the above areas are compromised and is asking for help now.

Get from where you are to where you want to be with Jarvis Health. We offer specialist naturopathic support to do just that with a practical and holistic approach, based on quality research. Your Long term wellness needs “fresh thinking for balanced living.”

   Make an appointment

09 446 3131

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